The selection of these five outstanding personalities - Bertha von Suttner, Erwin Kräutler, Lise Meitner, Viktor Frankl and Anton Zeilinger - as representatives for Austria at Expo 2025 is symbolic. These people represent important aspects of Austrian history, culture and science and reflect the diversity and global influence that Austria has had and has in various fields.
With the question "Who should represent Austria at Expo 2025 as an innovator in science, research or social achievements?" a shortlist was made of 15 personalities who have been internationally recognized and awarded for outstanding achievements, whose work is related to the theme of this World Expo and whose work took place or is taking place essentially in the 20th/21st century. From this shortlist, a jury selected the five personalities listed above to provide a broad and impressive representation of Austria's contributions in areas such as peace work, social justice, science, psychology and physical research. They symbolize both the historical and modern aspects of Austrian heritage and show how Austria has influenced the world through individual excellence in various disciplines.
These five personalities represent the human factor in the field of relationships - people - ideas and are representative of all those people in and from Austria who contribute to the further development of society with their achievements.
1. Bertha von Suttner: As a Nobel Peace Prize winner and passionate peace activist, she is a symbol of Austria's commitment to peace and human rights. Her work to promote peace and her critical attitude towards military conflicts is still of enormous importance today.
2. Erwin Kräutler: The Brazilian bishop of Austrian origin campaigned for the rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil throughout his life. He is a symbol of social commitment and support for the weaker members of society. His work represents Austria's commitment to global social and ecological issues.
3. Lise Meitner: One of the most important physicists of the 20th century, who played a key role in the discovery of nuclear fission. Although she often did not receive the recognition she deserved during her lifetime, her scientific legacy paved the way for modern nuclear physics. She stands for innovation and scientific progress from Austria.
4. Viktor Frankl: The Viennese neurologist and psychiatrist is best known for his development of logotherapy. As a survivor of the concentration camps, he has gained deep insights into the human psyche and the quest for meaning in life. Frankl stands for the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of mental health.
5. Anton Zeilinger: As a leading physicist in quantum mechanics and quantum information science, Anton Zeilinger has made many groundbreaking discoveries on an international level. He represents Austria's contribution to the latest developments in science and technology.