
The starting signal for Austria's participation in Expo 2025 Osaka was given with the announcement of a two-stage EU-wide, open realisation competition.

The national and international creative scene was called upon to submit concepts for the Austria Pavilion by 14 October 2022. The competition was looking for ideas for a holistic visitor experience that presents Austria's contribution to the central theme of Expo 2025 Osaka "Designing Future Society for Our Lives" with the sub-theme "Empowering Lives" in an innovative, creative and sustainable way. 

The competition was conducted in two stages:

In the first stage, the participants were expected to present an overall concept that would enable the jury to select the design approaches (central idea, building design, exhibition concept, etc.) with the greatest development potential for further processing and to formulate recommendations for further processing.

In the second stage, the selected participants were expected to specify and detail the submitted concepts in order to be able to assess their impact, structural and budgetary feasibility and sustainability.

A 6-member jury faced the difficult task of selecting the winning project from 31 submissions.

The jury consisted of 4 expert judges and two additional judges from the BMAW and the WKÖ.
The expert judges were:

Prof. DI Thomas HUNDT, Professor of Interior Design at the University of Stuttgart

Miyako TSUTSUI-NAIRZ, architect with offices in Vienna and Tokyo

Benno PICHLER, content and exhibition expert Zone

Barbara WEBER-KAINZ, Service and Hospitality Experience Expert

As already announced, "SOUNDS OF FUTURE" by BWM Designers & Architects and facts and fiction emerged as the winning project for the Austrian participation in Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.

Click here to browse through the variety of submissions for the Austrian Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka:

Stage 1 – 31 submissions


The following projects were allowed to present themselves in detail in Stage 2:


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